唯实简介About Us






Wei Shi Overseas Consultants Ltd. is a professional foreign services agency, it was one of the earliest companies to receive operating licenses as a private immigration intermediary under the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China.

Previously owned by the International Department for Guangzhou International Business and Economics Development (a large national enterprise), Wei Shi Overseas Consultants Ltd. was established in 1993, one of the earliest companies in Guangdong, receive the honors like: 5A Level of Enterprises Credit Rating, Using National Standards of Overseas Study Service (White List of China Overseas Study Service Industry), The Most Representative Company of Entry-Exit Service Industry.

So far Wei Shi Overseas Consultants’ subordinates institutions and cooperative partners have been all over the USA、Canada、Australia、New Zealand、United Kingdom、Europe、Asia and South America, etc. The core businesses of Weishi Overseas include overseas immigration, overseas study, overseas real estate investment and international education, which provides its clients with professional consultancy services on immigration, overseas study, overseas real estate investment, legal advice, overseas property and finance.




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电话:020-83566868 邮箱:weishicon@21cn.com

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